First Kayak Trip Of The Summer

Don't have the blue van anymore so we have to fit all the kayaks on the truck.

Believe it or not we own 5 kayaks and that wasn't enough for all of us.  We have the best neighbors 7 doors down that also have kayaks.  They graciously let us borrow their two person sea kayak for the day.

This would be Ellis's first solo trip down the Little Miami.  He was just a little excited about it.

This is how we roll.  Cassie took this with my phone out the window while we were driving through Old Milford.

Could not have been a more beautiful day!

Air temp in the 90's and water was just a little cold.

Cassie was in charge of photos that day because I did bring my big camera and I wasn't wearing my glasses because I didn't want to lose them in the river.  I went to three places to look for a one had them.

The day started out so nice.  Lots of boats on the river.  Ellis asked if it was Paddlefest!

Ellis liked stopping.  That meant he got to swim.

Snack break.  We didn't get to stop at our regular snack stop because someone was too hungry to wait and when we got there  it was a good call.  Bunches of people there already.  I just have to say that I am looking fine.  Those are my $11 sunglasses because I wasn't going to go swimming for my new ones should they fall off.  Couldn't see a thing.

Right after the pic on the bottom right was taken, Pappy took a little dip in the water.  We managed to get his hat, paddle, and his water bottle before they floated all the way to the Ohio River.

Beautiful scenery and Pappy's second drink of the river.  If you look really close you can see his hat as he makes his way down the 'riffles' without a boat or anything else.

I came home with a nice start to my summer Teva tan.  I took a hot shower to open the pours to let some of the heat out.  Then I loaded up on Hawaiian Tropic with aloe that I doctored up with more aloe.  And the next morning it was still bright red but hasn't hurt at all.  knock on wood.  Man do I ever have old tired looking feet.

Cassie and her crew left later that day to head back to IN.  I get this text the next morning...all from Ellis

End note:  Mark made an appointment with his doctor for today.  He didn't make it.  We ended up in the ER last night until about 1AM.  Diagnosis: fractured pelvis/tailbone.  Headed to CVS for pain meds and donut now.


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