A Graduate Returns For A Few Days

It is always great to be able to spend time with Wammyville graduates and see what they are up to now that they are in the 'big school'.  Doodles is here and she hasn't missed a trick yet.  She still remembers most of the Wammyville rules and remembers things that we have done in the past.

They t

So  how about lunch in the truck?  Yeaaa...it's Wammyville, you just never know.

Doodles getting to spend a little quality time with Boogie.

We took a quick trip over to the Community Garden to see how the Girl Scout vegetable patch is doing.  Look at those beans and that asparagus!

This patch was left there from last year so I am not sure but I think I see one that needs to be eaten.

Squash here we come!

We each had one garden glove.  So we were able to do just a little bit of weeding.
Everything looks really good!


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