Double Date Night With The Marks

Finally we find a night with the Marks!  It was very challenging to fins a time that we both could get away from life.  And don't you know the skies opened up and torrents of rain pounded us as we were going in.  Tom got soaked.  Jen and I got dropped off at the front door and Mark ran betweent the drops.

We were jsut a few minutes late but it didn't matter.  I was on pins and needles the whole time becasue heights and I don't get along to well together.  I think I swallowed my stomach a few times.  But I have to has it was incrediable and I wish it would have gone on for two hours!  45 minutes is just not long enough.  Beautiful!

I think we may have something started here.  Date Night once a month!  Our turn to choose next.

After the movie we headed to Mt WAshington to a pizza place.  You'll need to check out the Eating Our Way Through Ohio Blog.  Click it on the side...over there to the right.


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