Clean Up At Trinity and On Betty Lane

I wasn't sure if today was going to happen or not.  When I got up this morning it was raining.  I just couldn't see weeding and mulching in the rain.  Yuck!  But the sun came out for a bit...long enough for us to get the work finished at church.

 The meeting of the minds.

 Shoveling 101

raking and...

...rake twirling.

Everyone gets a job.

I had to make a quick trip home to get the weedeater.  
This yard is beautiful  I thought our yard looked good until I say this one.  Everywhere you looked beautiful flowers and not a weed in sight.

The wisteria was huge.

Working on the weeds by the creek bank.

Break time.

Stick/branch removal.

Getting ready for a campfire lunch.

Master fire builder.

hot dogs and chips

New hot dog dog with Doritos and chips.

Someone completed a four hot dogs on one bun at the same time and live to tell about it.


My new favorite s'more marshmallows!  They have chocolate centers!

And a great time was had by all.


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