Tree Trimming!????

It is 14 degrees, snowing blowing, wind chill  hovering around 4 degrees and Joe and Shmo ring the door bell and say they are ready to trim the oak tree in the backyard and the maple tree in the front yard.  Mind you they were supposed to be here in the fall.  Sure guys have at it. They have on little light weight hoodies, hats but no gloves.  And I am standing in the house watching them and taking pictures freezing to death.

See the monkey at the top of the tree?

Why would anyone in their right mind do this today?


Seems we have an issue with carpenter ants.  They are sleeping now but when it gets warm and the sap starts to run they may return to chomping on the inside of my big beautiful oak.  But Joe says he can fix all that by some fancy foam and then some tar and some airplane cables coated in plastic.  Well Joe, not now....the well has run dry.

One naked oak tree!


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