New Record Set

Bright and early again we headed to Children's Hope International to help pack with Hands Against Hunger.  But this time we had a special packer (you'll get the pun in a minute).  My good neighbor from WI came to pack with us!  Get it she is from WI...a Green Bay Packer fan!

Somebody snuck in a picture of me.  Waiting to see who will be working on my table...Table number 8 is great!

I am so excited when I have kids at my table.  I love working with them and talking to them.

 The correct packing order...#1 is chicken flavoring with vitamins and minerals, #2veggies, #3soy, and #4 rice.

The funnel.

The meals before they are sealed.

The scales...everything measured in grams.

Helping my pint sized box packers.

Ms Yvonne worked the sealer!

 Happy packers at Table 8!

And she was the best pounder ever!

A very hard working bunch!

The little girl with the yellow shirt and glasses was large and in charge in a very good way.

Table #10 had an awesome packer named Michael Ellis.

Table 8 Team

We packed 18 boxes...three more boxes than my all time single sealer table previous goal. 

3,888 meals


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