Cake Auction

Our good friends, the Marks family from right up the street invited us to a fund raiser for Teen Challenge.  When Jen said it was a Cake auction I cleared my calendar!  YES!!!  Date night fun!

Didn't really know what to expect.  Saw a few familiar faces and lots of really good looking cakes!

We got there early.  Ready with our paddle and Mark's wallet!

This is just one table of cakes.

Theses mini cupcakes caught my eye.

But these buckeyes stole my heart!  They just had to come home with me.

A diaper cute!

Craziest Cake there was the first cake, can't remember what kind all I remember it was pretty and they girl that was being Vanna White and showing it off through the crowd was the baker.  It sold for $350.00.  Then the buyer turned around and resold it two more times for a grand total of $1,100.00.  There were a few that went that high and maybe even higher,  Cake Wars at it's best.  Not sure how much money was raised.  All I know is that I am marking y calendar for next year for sure!

There was also a silent auction.  Winner chicken dinner..well maybe not dinner but 30 chicken sandwiches will fit the bill!

And yes we did win the buckeyes.  Only problem...every time I walk by them they start screaming my name and I have to eat one to quiet them down.  I think I might be a few pounds heavier after this week.

Check out Teen Challenge on FB and their website.


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