Valley View Revisit

Mark had never been to Valley View so Ella and I took him for another little hike.  Thought it would be an easy hike for Ella because it is mostly flat.

I love this big old sycamore tree.

Jan 2 and there are dandelions blooming.  this just isn't right.

ice shimmering in the puddles

She's harnessed up and ready to go.

Some parts of the trails were still water covered and we have to do a u-turn.

The frost was still lingering in the shade, even after we had been hiking for an hour.

 I'm hoping that this water is still here after everything goes back to normal.  It is my new favorite place to sit and take a break.  My own little island complete with a bridge and awesome seating area. And maybe when it is warmer there will be all kinds of birds and other animals to watch.

Someone else likes it pretty much too.

Since we are on an island we let her off the leash to sniff around.  As long as no one showed up we were fine.  She loved having her nose down to the ground.

The trail follows the river and then goes back into the woods.

Downed trees became a problem.  The old girl had to be coaxed over.  But I think she is paying for it now.  She can't get up the two steps from the garage to the house by herself.  Note to self...go around the downed trees.

Bluebirds everywhere.

 Thought this was really special.

I think Shawn and his crew did an excellent job!

Valley View Hike Number 2 with Ella...2.18 miles...1 hour and five minutes

Now I want to try to go by myself and hike to see how far I can go at my pace without company and without a camera.  Seems I take a lot of time shooting when I should really be concentrating on hiking.  But I love looking for 'nature'.


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