Tender Mercies Service Project

Each year the scout troop tries to serve dinner at Tender Mercies in downtown Cincinnati.  The boys start cooking prep and cooking in the early afternoon.

Max doing a great job washing the celery.

Carl was cutting peppers but crying like he was cutting onions.  Jonah was across from him  cutting the onions.  Jonah didn't shed a single tear.  Weird.

Everyone pitches in.

Lots of celery to be cut for the chili and the salad.

Logan was Michael's assistant.  He stirred while Michael added ingredients.

Looking good boys...and it smelled awesome.  My mouth was watering.

The boys needed a little lesson on peeling cucumbers.

Oh how he despises my camera.

Cutting machines these boys are.

Max...AKA one of the 'Mean Boys' by Mr. Ellis.  And he means it in a loving way.  Max always smiles when he calls him that.

Logan and Michael waiting to load up.  Michael, son, I thought I reminded you to tuck your uniform shirt in....

Matt Arnett was in charge of taking the pictures at Tender Mercies.  Thanks Mr.  Arnett!

The set up.

And they return to clean up at the church.

Great team of scouts, leaders and parents.


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