Around 5:30 AM I got a text and a phone call telling me we were on a two hour delay.  Yea!  Reset the alarm on my phone.  Tried to talk myself into going back to sleep but I just couldn't do it.  I was up and looking out all the windows and doors at the snow coming down.

Got a text from Emmy CPS...CLOSED...SNOW DAY!  I am bummed.  But I didn't need to wait too much longer until we got the call...SNOW DAY.  We really didn't get a lot of snow.  It just came at a bad time and the plows and salt trucks just couldn't keep up or do their job because there were so many people on the roads getting in the way.  A Level One Snow Emergency was called.

Pappy in his chair with his computer waiting out the storm until he could go out.

Ella all snuggled under and on a good a quilt.  Who said she could do that?

I sent these shots to Ellis and Alaire so we could compare snowfalls.  That was about 7:30AM.  I knew they would be up.  I asked what they were going to do on their SNOW DAY.  They were a little upset because since they are homeschooled their Principal and teacher don't give out SNOW DAYS.

Cassie couldn't believe they called it because she could still see the grass.

This is what I get back after they saw all of my shots.

And this is what I sent them back.  Of course had to have more than they did!

But seriously, they did get more than we did.

But not by too much.  We are supposed to get hit on Friday with about 5 inches I think.  Now that will be a great day!

I love the snow.  I love to shovel.  I love shoveling for the neighbors.  But today my good buddy Larry came and helped me shovel our driveway.  He's a good man!  And a really good shoveler.


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