Priceless Experience

Michael as been spending Wednesday evenings down the street at the forge with Justin. He has been learning about what it means to be a blacksmith.  His love for the art began with our trip to The Biltmore many years ago.  We probably spent three hours watching and learning from the blacksmith there.  Ever since that trip he has always said that he wants to be a blacksmith.  We found out about Justin and the rest is history.

Last night was a bitter sweet night....first Justin presented Michael with the finished tomahawk that they have been working on.  I think he is in love with it.  And last night it was the last night that they will be working together for awhile.  But Justin says when he returns they will pick up where they left off.  In the mean time Michael and Matt will be doing some woodworking.  Michael thinks they should go into barrel production....with all that Matt know about woodworking and the knowledge Michael has about blacksmithing...they would make a good team.

Michelle was the keeper of the monkey bread that I took down...

...yesterday was Justin's birthday!

A few weeks ago while Cassie and her crew were here and we took a hike at Valley View.  Along the way I found a metal rod.  Alaire wanted to know if Michael could make her a heart.  So tonight he made her the heart.

I think Leah could smell the monkey bread....woke her up out of a dead sleep.  Or maybe it was all the noise I was making in the garage.  And the monkey bread was still really warm.  Not the best batch I ever made but it sure hit the spot anyway.

This is the anvil that Justin made.  I'm telling you the guy has a gift!  He can make anything and it is awesome.

Heads getting together to draw out what the heart will look like and where to begin 'hammering it'.  My words because I am almost sure that is not the correct 'smithing' term.

Michael thinks it should be done another way.  Justin explained why his way wouldn't work and Michael realized that Justin was right because one of the heart sides would be in the way when he would be trying to curve the other side of the heart.  Problem solving skills coming into play.

This one was a family project.  Michael thought I should help in making the heart.  Which I thought was really sweet.  He told me how to strike the hot metal and exactly where to strike it.  He seemed to know what he was talking about.  He was loving this.
(I look like a conehead)

I learned that the whitest flames in a fire is the is the center or the core of a fire.

I also learned that I have a long way to go...the hammer is heavy and you need to use a certain side of the head of a hammer.

I was very impressed because he actually knew what to do to get the bends in the heart to match.

Justin gave pointers from the side line.  I can only imagine how hard it was for him to keep his hands in his pockets.

I am going to say that there was some hard pounding going on with the projects that were made on this anvil so far.

Well lookie there!

He is so proud.  He is most excited about this project because 'we all did it together.'

The finished tomahawk.  Now if I could just find that chunk of cottonwood for the target.

And Justin totally made the sheath for the tomahawk.  It can even hang on his belt.

Justin, we are looking forward to your return and Matt, hope you have some ideas ready!


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