New Year's Day Hike...ValleyView

Thinking of trying to hike at least three day a week.  And Ella is going with me...we both need to be whipped into shape.  We might move really slow at first but I know we will get in out groove eventually.  What a better day to start than New Year's Day.  Cassie and her crew went with me.  Ella stayed back because we didn't think she could hang with Maddie.  probably a good choice.

Could not have been a more beautiful day!  Perfect hiking weather.

We started down in the woods but ended up in the big field because it was a lot wet and even more muddy.

Good thing because we found this little island with a new bridge and viewing area.  Really nice.

there were good trees for climbing.

We found some apples still on the top of a tree.

Not everyone can wear a hat on top of their hoodie.  She says she wears it that way because it keeps her hoodie up.

Ellis....'now I know what it feels like to be a pencil.'

A little more tree climbing.

Ellis didn't need to worry about wet feet...he just plowed through and didn't care.

We found apiece of metal for Michael.  Alaire has requested a heart by Uncle Michael.  Ellis used it for a writing stick but gave up on that pretty quick and just used his fingers.

short cut

dog prints

dear prints

wet kid feet

muddy kid feet

Valley View Hike...Jan 1, 2016...2.40 miles...1 hour...5244 steps


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