Hands Against Hunger First Pack Of 2016

Got up early on Saturday morning and headed to Sharonville to Child's HOPE International to assist with Hands Against Hunger...first pack of the year.  Excited to be back!

I had a great crew.  Some were returnees and that helps a lot!  They help train the newbies.

We had the double sealer so I was hoping to beat my precious record of 13 boxes.  I started  little competition with Table #18 which was Mark's table...Michael chose to be on his team.

My team was on it...they weren't going to let him win!

They worked like a well oiled machine.  It was hard for me to keep them supplied with bags, veggies and powder.  We had cheers.  We sang.  We danced.  We had a Chinese Fire Drill around our table. We had a lot of fun and got a lot accomplished.

Some team members had to have stools to reach the soy and rice.

Sometimes nature calls and you just need to answer, especially if you are pregnant.  So some team members need to pick up the slack.  Sometimes you just need to double dip it!

Double sealers are the best.  You get to go to other tables to pick up bags and other tables bring extra bags to you.  My team kept up...they were determined to set a new record!

We all look so lovely in our fancy dancy hairnets.  Newest craze for the new year I am sure.  They do tend to get warm.


6 meals per 36 bags in 25 boxes equals
5,380 meals packed by Table #20!!!

Table 18...eat our dust!


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