First Snow of 2016

Ella got me up at 6:30AM to go outside and breakfast. There was no snow. No wind. And it was a little warm compared to later in the day.   When I looked up to check the time it was 8:30 AM and I was shocked to see snow!  Couldn't have been a better morning!  I checked my weather app...1-3 inches with strong winds!  Picture me doing the Happy Dance.

On the way to church we saw the Snow Plow!   Sorry

Later on in the day when the snow stopped I went out to see what I could find.

When Mark went to the store I put on my chicken suit and checked on the girls...check NottaLotta Farm Blog (find it over on the right side and just click on it)...and then I shoveled the driveway.  Nothing like some good old shoveling time to get your blood pumping.  Now I'm just sitting here praying for more snow.  Maybe a little Snow Dancing later.


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