Big Field Trip With Pappy

Delivering cookies to some of our favorite people and places was on the agenda today.

Had all my little ducks in a row.

We delivered two dozen cookies and some carrots, celery and humus to the  elementary school.  Then we headed to the junior high and delivered a box to two special of our mommies and one to the teacher that introduced us to Child's Hope International.  Off to the preschool to drop another box.  Had to make the ladies at the Civic Center smile.  And last we headed to church to drop off a dozen for the staff.  And Pappy even ordered a dozen for us at home.  So after lunch we all had a little party with some cookies and milk.  It was a fun day but I can truly say that I don't miss having to put in those car seats and having to load and unload children at every stop.


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