On The Road Again

Our short cut and my favorite road!

It didn't take long for some of them to pass out.

When you are bored you take out the camera and start shooting.

New Bridge about 10 minutes from the end of Portsmouth Road.  Coming home it was flooded and we had to make a 30 detour on the two lane, no painted lines, no streetlights, pitch black, deer infested, ridge in the dark hole of Scioto and Adams County.

I have always loved this house.  Over the 25 years we have been driving to Huntington I have watched her deteriorate.  I wish I could buy it and restore it.

Maybe someday if we go by and it is open I will stop.

I love old houses!

Wish I could hear the stories the walls would tell.

Once I came with in an inch of stopping here and picking up a black and white rabbit that was hopping in the front yard.  Always wonder what happened to it when we drive by.

When we hit the Carl Perkins Bridge we know only about an hour more to go.

And the kids know that our BP stop is just up the road.

So close but yet so far away.


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