Now It Is Time For The Meadows Side Christmas

And again we had way more food than a family could possibly eat...but I gave it my best shot. My sister even made my Grandmother's fudge which I have been trying to master for years. She has figured it out. You know how I know. When I eat a piece if fudge and it is like Nanny's fudge I get a little tingle in my throat. And then I start bawling.

Cassie is the master of games.  This game was called Hillbilly Pinata.  Crazy games.  WE have already planed to do it again next year!  Everyone will gather little trinkets during the year and them we will put them all together in a big ball of clear wrap.

Sometimes you roll a lot out and sometimes you don't.  It all depends on the roll of the dice.

My dad thought it was funny!

The big winners!

A selfie with Peep.

They are all smiles now but the wet and dark ride home erased those smiles.

Christmas 2015 was a blast.  We got to go home and spend time with families...wish we had been able to spend time with friends.  That will be the next trip for sure.  Planning for next Christmas as already started.


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