Christmas Number One Was A Success

When your family is spread out all over the place but not really far away it is my thinking that you should have Christmas with everyone.  In saying that we are embarking on the annual Christmas State Hop.  

Our first stop really isn't a stop because it is at our house.  Bryce, Tini and Sam spend Christmas with the Martini's in FL.  And since this is Sam's first Christmas I didn't want to miss out we celebrated on Sunday night.  Sarah, Porche and Isaiah were there too!  So it was a pretty full house.  No big dinner...everyone brought an appetizer.  Worked out pretty well.

Porche and Isaiah had to come early because she had to go to work about the time we scheduled the party to start.

But first things first...The Girls needed their first Christmas treats.

My favorite thing to play with of all time...

I think he likes it too.

Big box from Uncle Bryce!

I think he loves it!

Sam opening his first gift.  No too excited about it either.

Bryce got Michael a new special hammer to use in blacksmithing.

I think he loved it!

Sarah and Michael under the star!

 Packing up getting ready to hit the trail.

And that is the end of night one!  Just a few more to go!


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