Taking The Vets Out

Mark just happened to be in Huntington this week...during Veteran's Day.  Someone got wind that Bob Evan's honors the Veteran's by giving them a free breakfast.  So off he went...loaded our two favorite Vets and their walkers in the van.  Ended up he had to take his truck because my Dad's van was full of stuff and not enough room for all of them.  Guess Stitch didn't get to make this trip.  Oh the stories that were being told!  You just never know what these two trouble makers will do.  It's kind of like walking on egg shells.

Papaw love his hat.  
When Cassie first gave him his hat he wasn't to sure he wanted to wear it.  Now he hardly ever takes it off.  He loves the attention now.  A man even asked him to have his picture taken with him because you don't see to many WWII Vets anymore.  Well, duh.

Peep doesn't have a hat (which we will try to take care of)
US Navy Seabees

Just sitting on their walkers waiting for a ride.  I won't even tell you what they did next.  That thought it was so funny.  Papaw had tears rolling down hi cheeks.  What one doesn't think of the other does.

Last night after all the hoopla around here Mark wrote a little song.  Emmy and I were working with Molly on her wedding dress via the phone and computer...fun...and he came in a sang it to us.  I just had to share.


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