Painting Pumpkins

When we have a full house I like to do something festive, seasonal, art project....something fun that everyone will enjoy.  Painting anything is always the best bet with these yahoos.  They will paint till the cows come home or we run out of paint.

With a little bit of glue stick action what could be better!

Coverage is most important.

Our little pumpkin patch

And sometime paint gets in places that it really shouldn't.

And there are most always shots of the finished products.

And there is always time to play outside.

 Sometime also known as standing...

or drawing zone.

And there is always time for a good lunch.  Today we had a visitor.  A really cute little gray kitten.  Problem with wasn't afraid of Ella and all her barking and slobbering at the mouth.  And she loved chasing the chickens around the yard.  Now that is another story.  After water, rocks, removal and sticks, the poor little kitten moved on to bigger and better things.  I got the BB gun out just to discourage her from coming back to visit.  Only one won't shoot the BB's.  But i have my scout on it.  He promises to be able to fix it.


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