Sam Is Here...A Little Early!

No one expected this!  Out of the blue Sam decided that he was ready to come into the world....while his dad was in LA!  By the look on his little face I think he must be thinking...Ha, ha, fooled you'll!

He just about three weeks early but doing fine..Tini went into labor somewhere around 11PM on Thursday.  She had to call her parents because Bryce was in LA on business.  Tini's dad went into the delivery room with her.  Her mom doesn't do blood or seeing her kids hurt.  They got the best pic of Pedro holding Sam  Even though he has a mask on you can see that he is smiling from ear to ear!

September 18, 2015
Sam Martini Ellis
born 7:52AM
5 pounds 2 ounces
15.5 inches long

According to Bryce and the Martini's, Sam has Bryce's hands and Martini feet.  Booties are misleading.  his feet really aren't that huge.  He had to wear booties because they were trying to get his temp up.

Bryce finally was able to cancel all meetings in LA and Delta hooked him up with the quickest flight home.  He was beside himself!  I felt so bad for him.  I asked him if there were any tears when he held Sam for the first time...Nope, just sweaty palms.  He then quickly handed him off.

He looks so big here.  But I'm guessing this picture is deceiving also.  I haven't seen him yet because Wammyville was open with a full house and then we were in Indiana for Ellis's soccer game (the only one that we are able to make this season).  He has a much or more hair than Bryce did when he was born!

According to the reportings from the hospital room...all he does is sleep!  And Bryce has already gotten the urination baptism.

Ahhh look...he's crying for his Wammy!  All these shots are from Tini's family.  They were so good to keep them coming and keeping us in the loop.  I don't think my phone was out of my hands all weekend...checking, checking, checking!

If I remember right they had to wait until he warmed up to give him a bath.  So now he is all squeaky and clean.  Look at that long hair and those curls.

Going, going...


Hey ya'll, I'm here.  Let the fun begin!

Keeping warm!

Who couldn't love that little face! Can't wait to get my hands on him!


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