And Then There Is Patient #2

We get the the hospital and go to the ER to find my sister and my dad.  He is staying at her house while they see cleaning up his place (long story for another blog post). He has been having trouble breathing all night but decided at 5AM he better go to the ER.  This is how I found him...

He hadn't slept much the night before and I am sure by the blanket over his eyes, he had a headache.
  We sat in the ER for hours waiting for them to decide what to do.  They finally admitted him.  Diagnosis nothing really new..sorta runs in the family.  Just need to get things back under control.
Did I happen to mention that these two are only four doors away from each other.  Not only did they live in houses four door apart just about the whole time the kids were growing up, they now live in a retirement community a floor apart.  And I bet that if I counted the rooms away from each other it would be four.
Peep gets his needed exercise by walking down the hall to Pap's room.  Pap gets his daily dose of entertainment from my dad and all his stories.  Those poor nurses what one doesn't think of the other does and then some.


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