I Have A Friend...

...that I have never actually met face to face. We are FB friends.  Our friendship started when we moved back to Cincinnati from WI around 2008.  I was fooling around on the Internet one day and came upon one of the coolest thing I had seen in awhile having to do with snowmen.  This snowman was built close to the house and was looking in the window.  What a clever idea.  Not only that, there were some colorful window stars on the kitchen window.  I think I left a comment on the blog and Moey got back in touch with me and sent me the directions. She even shared the name of the book that had more directions to different kinds of stars. So of course we chit chatted on FB promising to meet face to face one day.  I learned that she and her growing family lived in Mt. healthy.  They had chicken...maybe that is where my obsession with chickens started.  She homeschooled her children.  And they are a very talented family.  But I had no idea she could paint!  We never got to meet because the moved to Australia two years ago. (Short family history...they lived in Mt Healthy for five and a half years and in Perth, Australia five and a half years before that.  Her husband is from Cincinnati.  Moey was born in Illinois and moved to Australia when she was five...it is a 40 hour plane ride)  Her family is in Australia so for her kid's sake they decided that the kids should grow up in Australia.)
One day a few months ago I saw where she had posted a picture that she had painted.  It is beautiful.  I got in my head that maybe she could paint my girls.  I felt comfortable with our friendship enough to ask.  I knew that if she couldn't or didn't want to it would be okay that she told me so.   I was so thrilled when she said yes.  I told her about the blog and from there she took off like a shot!
She would send me pics of the progress.  Since we are 24 hours apart in time, my 2:30AM is her 2:30PM.  I would wake up in the wee, wee hours of the night hoping to hear from her or see progress posted on FB.

She said that she researched each of the girls wanting to get them just right...coloring and personalities.  All from reading the blog and looking at the pictures I took.  Amazing!

We would talk about the girls as if they were children.  Just from looking at pics on the blog she was able to nail each one perfectly.  I am just amazed to no end!

The Chuck Wagon with Keithetta Renetta standing on top like she did on several occasions.  Crispy running through the yard like a chicken with her head cut off.  Sunny always standing in the dish to eat her treats.  The greenish blue shimmer to Esthelle's feathers.  The way nosey Susie turns her head to check things out.  The low feathers on EffieGeaces; backside.  Skinny Dixie and white feet on Ethel.  All perfect!

Inez being the loaner standing on one foot.  Judy's beautiful grey feathers.  Dory right by Judy chatting it up.   My Mom's favorite colors brown, black, and gray in RayJeana.

Then came the background, that is what I call it.  I am sure there is an art term but I just don't know it.  The Little Girls green A-frame run.  The details in color of the rusty Chuck Wagon.  The Little Girls coop with the silver tin roof.  And the Chicken Hospital in the middle.  Mark's red tree.  The chicken church.  And the scoop in the fence. And the shadows.  Perfect! Everything is just perfect!  I could have taken this shot all in one...at one time...and this is exactly how it would look!

Near the end Moey said that she needed to step away from it for a bit and then come back with fresh eyes.  I think that was true but I later found out that she was having some health issues and ended up at the hospital.  I think I drove her to mono.  This is the last time I saw the progress.

Moey let me know the day that she took 'the girls' off to be mailed.  She said it might be two weeks before it would get here.  It was a week and a few days.  I kept looking for it at the front door never dreaming it would be in the mailbox.  But one day after an adventure with Mark and his Dad, Mark slowly pulled it from the mail box and handed it to his dad.  His dad slyly said, ' hum this is from Australia.'  I about ripped his arm of to get to it!

I rushed into the kitchen and very gingerly opened the tube and unwrapped the bubble wrap. ( Oh and she packed a little something extra for me in the bubble wrap.  I'll a pic of it tomorrow)  It was about 5:15PM.  Heck with dinner I'm headed to a framing shop.  I wanted to go to a shop in Old Milford but they were closed.  I just couldn't wait.  We headed to Hobby Lobby.  In my mind I knew just what  I was looking for.  An old distressed barn wood frame.  I knew it would be expensive because most always my ideas are.  When I got to the framing department the nicest 'kid' helped me.  I told him what I wanted and he started pulling corners.  Out of the corner of my eye I see frames just like I want hanging there.  Oh please, let there be one to fit.  And there was!!!  The comes he hard part for me...picking out the mat.  I am horrible at matching colors.  But Mark has the eye for it.  He chose the green mat which pulls out all the greens in the painting.  Again, perfection!  Then to beat everything else I had a 40% off coupon!  Sweet!

Once we got home I had my Moey original watercolor on every wall on the first floor.  Had to be where everyone that comes in the house can see it!  Found the perfect spot...right in the hallway between the family room and the kitchen...the two most used rooms in the house!  Perfect.

If you want to check our Moey's blog it is called Art of Life. She is on Face book under her blog also.  I asked her if she would consider letting me post about the painting and she was glad to let me do it.  So I am suggesting if you would like to have a Moey original just get in touch with here.  You will be glad you did.
Moey, thank you so much for a treasure.  And who knows I might just hop on one of those big old jet planes and make the 40 hour trip to thank you in person.


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