Fishing With Wammy

Today was my day to figure something out fun to do.  Fishing...what else.  So we got our hot dog bait ready and headed for the back of the new Boot Country building in Milford.  Let me just say that it was hotter than blue blazes!!!!  I'm talking so hot that if you even thought about sweating it was already rolling down your back.  But what troopers.  Michael even went with us.  We had to blaze a trail down to the swollen East Fork of the Little Miami...weeds, grapevine, stickers, poison ivy, over grown honeysuckle...we needed a machete.  Michael shoes to stay up top in civilization instead of trying to make it through the jungle.  Probably a good move for us...he became our runner for things we left in the car or needed.
I have learned that when you take children fishing you might as well leave your pole at home because you are busy casting, baiting, get the picture. But this trip they learned to bait their own hooks.  They learned to cast last fishing trip. I'm still the untangler.
We aren't there 5 minutes and Alaire hooks a drum.

For the next two hours Ellis tries and tries.  Nothing.  Shut out this trip. And he is not real happy about that.

They were troopers.  It was sooooo hot.  And I forgott to mention how humid it was.   Oh my gosh it was horrible.  But we stayed with it.  We already have a plan for our next fishing trip. 


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