Camp Number 1: Mixed Up Crazy Camp

Oh what a FUN week it has been!  Not only did I gain some new little friends I also learned a lot from the other adults.  And I also was reminded that I'm not as flexible as I once was.  Sitting cross-cross applesauce became a little bit of a challenge but by the end of the week those old knee joints were limbered up and doing what they were made to do.
Some of my new friends after a crazy relay race.
We did a little outdoor painting...with q-tips.  So amazing to see the lightbulbs go off when they figure out you can put two colors together to make a totally new color.
My masterpiece.

One morning it 'snowed' at camp.

I'm jut going to have to say that this day outside might just have been my favorite day of the week...Water Day...if I had to just pick one.  We went for a short hike IN the creek.  Seeing their faces and hearing the giggles and squeals made my day for sure.

After getting cleaned off with the hose, we took to the sidewalks with water buckets and paint brushes.

Wish I had gotten pictures of all the water paintings.  Problem...they evaporated before I could get to them all.

Super Hero Day...what a riot!

This week I was amazed that we had not problems with separation anxiety for the campers or their parents.  There was no bickering between sibling pairs (I think we had 6).  98% of the time the campers were happy and engaged in what we were doing.  It doesn't get much better than that.

Snacks always tasted soooo good.

We just plain had a ton of fun.

Some of the campers started out the week not really sure about all the craziness...and let me tell you we did some crazy things....backwards bowling with watermelons, craziest relay races I have ever seen, super wet and fun water games, and of course fun crafts!  But by the end of the week they were new campers!  Doing it all with big smiles on their faces.

Awesome Team!  Super Heroes in my book:  Erin ran the show and Pam, Jessica and I were her ever faithful helpers.  It was a great week. It went by way to fast.  Now I am working on the next camp which I am developing from scratch.  Wish me luck!


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