New Books....

brought to me by the flooding Ohio River.  We were trying to get to the river so I could see for myself how high the water was.  We never made it.  We ended up in the Joseph-Beth Bookstore in Rookwood.
this this title was appropriate!  And I liked the look of those green boots.
Once I save enough egg money this will be my next purchase.  It is full of 'chicken wisdom.'  And the best part is that I made a new friend.  She is a bookseller and she has chickens.  We spent probably 30 minutes chatting about her chicken experiences and I showed her a few pics of the girls.  We had the best time!  Janie should check this one out.  I love the is so old school.
Just wait until I show off my new chicken socks and Cincinnati t-shirt!  You are going to love them.


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