Another Date Night

Man, two date nights in one month!
Mark and I traveled down to Emmy's neck of the woods last night to see the Spring Show at Hyde Park Elementary!  And what a show it was.  To a packed house the kids sang their hearts tunes!  It was so fun to watch them searching the audience for smiling faces they knew.  And then the waves began.  Priceless.  I  love the energy and attitude of the principal.  And the music teacher is so full of goodness for those students.  It was fun to watch them shine!
First all her cowgirl glory.

Handsome Ernie.  Emmy had to tie his tie.

Saffron kicking it in her jeans jacket.

Love me a little boy in glasses and suspenders.  And his little red headed buddy.

Photo shoot after the show.

Ha...I just noticed it was her chicken dress!  Love it!!!


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