So Monday we had no school because it was Presidents Day.  It could have been a snow day...would have been a snow day...don't really care it was a day off that I could try to stay warm and quilt all day long.  Last night they were predicting a big snow 4-8 inches.  I could hardly sleep.  I  look out the bedroom window a thousand times.  There was snow but not a lot of it.

Really...not even three inches!  But the reason for the Snow Day was the bitter, bitter cold.

When I finally opened my eyes around 9am the temp was -7...and that didn't include wind chill.  The girls and the rabbits were just going to have to wait.  I looked out to get eyes on them to see if they were still moving and hadn't frozen to death in the night.  I waited an hour or two and finally geared up like Ralphie in The Christmas Story and ventured then it was  6 degrees.
You will never believe what I found...check out NottaLotta Farm to see.


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