A Months Worth of TBT

What else do you do on your third Snow Day in a Row....go through old pics looking for ones to embarrass your kids and husband. I still have plenty to go through and more that a years worth to share. Thinking it might be easier on everyone if I do them a little at a time.  So here is the first installment!
The one an only Inner Circle.

Oh Jerri, you were a saint.
I remember this trip.  The girls all came for Cassie and Emmy's birthday.  I drove them to the halfway rest stop and Delores Ward was picking them up for the return trip to Huntington.  I got my times wrong and we spent a few hours at the rest stop.

I think they were coming home from school.  Aunt Kate brought all her babysitting kids down to our house.

I'm thinking this was an Easter Egg Hunt with all the kids we could round up.

We have several shots of these goofs.  They have spent a life time together.   Emmy, Cassie, and Sarah Beth were born less that twenty-four apart.  Bryce and Jeremy are 6 months apart.  And Jason, well, he's just my favorite!  And Sarah and Jason pulling up the rear in the group.  They have put up a lot of stuff from those older ones.


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