How To Entertain An Active Grandson

Ellis got a really cool bow and arrow combo for Christmas.  The other day when we had the chicken out (he loves The Girls) he was showing me how high it could shoot up into the air.  And then he would fling the bow down and try to catch the arrow.  The shooting part he has down pat.  The catching not so much.  He practiced until it got dark.  The next morning when I came downstairs he told me that he had a little problem...
Can you find the speck of green?

Oops!  We worked for over an hour throwing sticks up in the air.  No luck.

Then Ellis was just positive that he would be able to get it down if her threw a football up in the air.

He threw I retrieved.  No luck!  We tried throwing sticks up in the tree.  No luck.  When Pappy got home from work he got out the ladder...not high enough.  We tugged on limbs.  No luck.  Then it got dark.
Another day...Ellis tried the football again and then good old Wammy threw up a stick...BINGO!  One arrow safe and sound back in the hands of the archer.  Don't think I will be getting him a real bow and arrow any time soon!


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