On The Road To Our WV Christmas

So we are driving our normal route to WV...taking the short cut on Portsmouth Road when I see out of the corner of my eye at about Brush Creek Ranger Station, a big brown blur.  I mean big!  A wing span longer that my outstretched arms.  I watched for a minute and then started screaming for Mark to pull over.  There is no where to pull over!  Finally a driveway.  I jusp out of the car and try to get pics of a bald eagle.  A real live, whited headed brown bald eagle!

I keep trying to talk him back to me but he flies over and then heads to the woods.  Let me just tell you if we hadn't been on a time crunch and it wasn't getting dark I would have climbed the hill to get closer for a better shot.

This is the best I could do with my zoom lens on.  He's looking right at me.  Oh my goodness.  Alaire got out of the van to look.  I'm so glad someone else was excited.  And to beat it all Cassie just drives by and honks.
We decided to do the Ellis side Christmas a little different this year.  Lisa cooked and we all went to their house.  Papaw didn't want to put up a tree and he really didn't feel like putting up a tree.  I can totally understand that.  So we celebrated all together (except for Alex who is working at Walt Disney World and Sarah who had to work.  Oh and Bryce and Tini who were in Florida with her family).  It was awesome!  Lisa fixed all the traditional Ellis family dishes...stuffed celery, potato salad, good rolls, pineapple up side down cake, her famous green beans and so much other stuff.  It was all good and I have the best sister-in-law on the planet!  Papaw seemed to enjoy himself.  And I know the kids had fun.  We found out that Carter is going to be a big brother next year.  And we are all excited about that.   A little bit of a bitter sweet night with out Mamaw.

Trevor and Michael got Old Faithful this year!
 The next day we headed up the hill to Peeps for my side of the family Christmas.  I was in charge of the meal this year.  Mark suggested that we cater it and I was like OH


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