Last Hike of 2014

Just about an hour and a half before sundown we decided to go on a hike at the CNC.  And the dogs got to go too!

Lots of stairs going down and coming right back up.  Not so good for Ella had her tricky back.

Little bit chilly at first but once we got in our rhythm we got warm.

Lots of trees looked like someone had shaved them with a chainsaw.

Gathering walking sticks.

A little chair carved from a stump.

The way I had it figured we had about 30 of daylight left.

We had to cross the creek three times.  The boys and the dogs loved it!

Going to have to ask what this is.

Funny story...Ellis was jumping the rocks and once he jumped forward and his she went flying backwards.  Luckily for him it landed on the rock right behind him..

Ellis trying to talk him mom into letting him just find his own way...AKA...get his feet wet when he misses the rock!
It was a great hike.  The dogs were so tired when they got home that they just plopped down in the middle of the kitchen floor.  We all were starving so we hurried as fast as we could to fix dinner.  It was a really good time.  Looking forward to filling up out hiking passport in the next few months.


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