Christmas Morning At Home

I could always kick myself because I as so busy doing stuff or talking to people that I forget to take pictures.  And that is just what I did this mornign.  Kicking myself all over the place.
My little chicken farmer never lets down on the job.  Bright and early Christmas morning he's out there looking for eggs.

Some really creative wrapping going on last night after I went to bed.

He's all smiles!

Another set of twins in the family!

All she wanted was one Tootsie Pop.

The Peanut Gallery

A book of maps and he is already asking questions.

This girl loves her pink and girlie things.  Not sure about my son-in-law?

Oh look, another Peanut Gallery.

New flat bill hat, a mouth guard that you can't see and his sisters new volleyball.

A new watering can to add to his collection.



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