Christmas Eve Eve...

Also known as Christmas Adam.  Please let me explain.  We need to have Christmas early every year because Bryce and Tini spend it in Florida with her family.  Each year the adults choose a name and we all buy gifts for the little ones.  Also this year we started a new tradition...appetizers!  I'm loving this one!
Christmas Adam started at Cassie's house because the kids always wanted to have a family sleepover.  So they all sleep in by the tree on the 23...Christmas Adam because Adam came before Eve!
Luminaries from Mr. Bill and Ms. Kay.

Ellis lightning his.

A blurry shot of how pretty the house looks.

A carry-over tradition.  Mark's parents have had Old Faithful for as many years as I have known them.  Probably since the boys were small.  So now we have an Old Faithful.  One rule...the gift has to be homemade or semi-homemade.  We are starting with the oldest and working our way down the family list.  Mark was first.  Cassie had his name so she made him two oatmeal bowls.

I think he likes them.  And you can imagine what he did with them next!

The kids got to open gifts from everyone. 

Cassie hit it right on the head...HotHead Burritos shirt for Michael.  He loved it!

Emmy got Sarah and Porche a selfie stick.  Awesome!  Can't wait to see the shots she comes up with now.

My little man had just about had enough.

Oh but Uncle Bryce knows what he likes.  Isaiah perked right up.  So Christmas number one was a big success.


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