Help Please

We've been a little out of sorts over the last few weeks but I believe that things are beginning to settle down a bit.  Just wanted you to see the progress that Ellis has made toward reaching his goal of collecting license plates for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
He continues to check them off on this big wall map.  He still needs help with...
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
District of Columbia
Not bad.  So now I am on a big push to see how many I can find before Christmas.  Thinking it would be rally a great surprise if he could get a few more under the Christmas tree.  If you can help...know of anyone that lives in any of these states that would be willing to help...see some in a bin at a Yard Sale or in an Antique Shop, please email me for his address!  HELP!!


Jan said…
Jan, I've messaged 4 friends, in UT, NY, MN, and OK, to see if they can help. I'll let you know.

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