Bubbles On Wednesday

Walking to the bus stop we say tons of different kinds of spider webs!

This one even had a spider...a big spider.

jar fly

The 'bubble fairy' sent two big tubes of bubbles.  And as you can probably guess they are now empty waiting for me to refill.  I love the reflection in this shot.  I guess I'd better remember what I am wearing before I shoot anything with a reflection.

The old oak tree....

Noodles catching them with her hand.

The chickens even get in on he action.

writing practice

Putting her chalk away for the next time.  Yea!

They love to draw!!!

Love the crossed feet.  Wonder if she needs to visit...well, you know where.

We had a indoor picnic today on the family room floor.  The bugs are just crazy in the yard.
A day wit h all smiles until it was nap time.  And that my friends is a long story for another day!


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