Treasures From Peep's

Last weekend I went home to help my dad get his house ready to sell.  A few months ago he had us all go around the house and tape our names on they things we wanted.  I know that sounds so wrong.  But we did it anyway.  He has always said that he wasn't removing anything from the house until he moved.  I think we have convinced him that he needs to do that a little bit at a time.  So I got to bring a few things home.  This is an actual saw that he painted black and it has forever hung on the living room wall.
A sifter was on the same wall.  Perfect spot I think.

My all time favorite treasure...the black roosters.  I just knew they would be perfect on the fence somewhere near the chickens.  Love them!

I can not even guess how long these roosters have been on that wall.  I know that my dad made them and hung them there.  And he was the one that took the last one down as we all held our breath praying he wouldn't fall off the ladder.

A bluebird box to add to the birdhouse collection.
Lovin' it!
And I now have a cluttered garage again with all the treasures that need to make their way down the Interstate to Cassie's house.  Road Trip here we come!


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