Naked Ladies

Lot of firsts this week.  Our first Fun Friday of the year!  Doodles and Noodles are the only two here this week so life is pretty simple.  Next week the fun with all the yahoos will begin...well, almost all of them.
We have lots of what we call Naked Ladies (my friend Betsy calls them Surprise Lilies) in the yard.  Doodles loves them!  When her Mom came to pick her up the other day she told me a story...
Doodles was at Grammy's have they were talking about Naked Ladies.  Doodles said that she thought there should be some naked men.  I did not want to hear where this was going.  She told her Grammy that she knew what to do. OH NO!  'Just make blue flowers'.  Boy, that was a close one!

So always thinking in preschool teacher mode we are now trying to change Naked Ladies into Naked Gentlemen.  Doodles cut two stalks of flowers.  We put them in water and added blue food coloring to one.  Hopefully when she returns on Tuesday we will have some Naked Gentlemen.
Somehow that just sounds wrong.  Think I might join Betsy in calling the Surprise and blue Surprise Lilies. 


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