Another Fun Friday In The Books

First things first...pancakes with Constantine
I think all my blog picture taking might be rubbing off.  This could be a good thing or it could become a problem.

Joy in the morning!

A little coloring in our fish books.  Looks like learning to share/waiting our turn might be in next weeks lesson plan.

We color on the paper....good thing it was a white crayon.

Two fisted coloring.

Just letting Carter know that he is still well represented in Wammyville...girls playing with trucks, using his Art shirt, and playing with the alligator.

Lots of new books to read!

This has been a crazy week with school starting, bus riding to Kindergarten, remembering the rules in Wammyville, using the potty, helping entertain the babies, cleaning up before lunch, taking our dishes to the sink after lunch, sleeping on cots AKA big girl beds, sharing, and learning to take care of some of our own responsibilities.  Crackin' the whip this week.


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