Schedule Change Up

I heard a ding on my phone.  I heard it a second time.  This time I checked it...
'We've cut our walk short thing morning.  Come out and meet us...we found something AWESOME.  You will be glad you came!


This is what you get when he wakes up before dawn to walk on the beach to find treasures.

 Weather today wasn't the best for staying on the beach.  But it was pretty good for digging really big holes...
 ...for burying people in the sand!
Way to go Cassie!

Digging out seemed to be a little bit challenging.


 We have now gone through one very large container of cheese balls.  The seagulls love them!

Alaire had them seating out of her hand from under the porch.
We decided that since the weather was so bad we would go out to eat tonight instead of our schedules night (we have a schedule because Ellis likes knowing what we are doing form day to day).  So we all got ready and headed to Southport to Fishy Fishy or the Rainbow Café as Alaire calls it.

Then we drove to Fantasy Isle for a little putt putt and ice cream.

 We had just a bit of rain over the last few days.

We have a contest every year...Pappy pays one dollar for each hole-in-one.

Then there is always the dollar each golfer receives as a trophy...Best Woman Golfer.

Newcomer to the HBPGA. (He tried to give Alaire his dollar after all the awards.)

Ellis was hiding because he gets a little nervous in front of people...and there were a lot of people enjoying some ice cream.

Micahel earned the Golfer With The Least  Amount Of Strokes.

And then came the ice cream!

This is a little side note...we went geocaching yesterday and today there was this sign posted on the road where we walked.  Oops.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is sunny!  We will be out on the beach early loaded for bear!


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