Rainy Day

Today started out cloudy and lots cooler.  Were able to get out on the beach for a little fishing in the morning.
They bait their own hooks and take the fish of the hooks but we still need to help them cast these rods.

Ellis caught a whiting this morning.  The fisherman next to us caught a small shark and let us have it to 'play' with.

She tried her best to catch one, but not today.  Love the way that she holds her pole.  It weighs more than she does.

Mark and I drove over to Southport for a little visit to our favorite little bakery, Side Street Bakery, and a little shopping at Ocean Outfitters.  We made it back just in time to eat a hamburger that Trevor prepared.  Then off for the annual walk to...

We had to call Emmy to come and pick us up because it started thundering and sprinkling.  By the time we got home it was beginning to rain.  And it pretty much rained the rest of the afternoon.  That's okay because we got  lots of laundry done and Emmy and Cassie fixed some soup and shrimp tacos.  And then it was Game Night!
Everyone pretty much went to bed early.  Washer is still washing.  Drier is still drying and the dishwasher is doing it's magic.  Tomorrow morning when I get up it will all be done.  Nice way to start the day.


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