I Just Couldn't Wait....

...to share our last day sunrise pictures.

 The way the island is situated our sunrise is not over the ocean in front of the beach house like you think it should be.  We have to walk about a half of a mile to the left of the beach house to the Intercoastal Waterway.

On the hunt for the mornings treasure.

 Just seeing this happen is a treasure.

Hey Barb Wolf...I think all the pelicans must live in Southport now.

 Here it comes.  And it rises so fast.

Pinterest Fail.  You realize how hard it is to get an 8 year old to place his hands in the right spot.  Even with me moving to get things lined up was a challenge for him.  Not an epic fail, but a fail.

Almost got it right.  It would help if the camera was set on the right settings.

So on the way back we are looking for something really cool.  I'm walking in the tide pool, Ellis is gathering hermit crabs...all of a sudden Emmy starts saying shark, shark, shark really softly.  She must have said it five times before I realized what she was saying.  There not 20 feet from us was a shark.  And then she saw another one.  We think there were at least two feeding on fish and things at low tide.

 The big one was about as long as my leg...I'm 5'9" tall so it was a pretty long shark.

 The smaller one was as long as from my knee to my foot.

Thought I was on the set of JAWS.

Ellis and Cassie run back to the house for all the fishing stuff.  Ellis wanted to catch one of those sharks so bad.  Don't know what we would have done if he had actually hooked one.  Cassie said that she would just cut the line.

He fished for a bit and then we sorta told him that the sharks were making their way down the beach so they would be in the water by our house.  By the time we got there he was interested in digging up a crab hole and looking for those crazy sideways running crabs.
Pretty good start to the day I would say!


Jan said…
Wonderful photo. A great start to you day, indeed!

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