Bakin' In Sun All Day Long

We were out on the beach by 9AM ready to go!
Auntie Em hooked us up with a paddleboard a few days ago when the ocean was really angry.  But today was perfect and flat.  She gave us all lessons because she is the pro...

This little fish can not get enough of it!

Saw this little craft on Pinterest...I think Alaire and I nailed it, once again.

Emmy was bound and determined to get me out on this thing.  I really had my doubts that I could do it.  But guess this almost 60 year old Wammy still has her stuff!

I can tell you that it is hard to do but really fun.  I have no upper body strength at all and my legs felt that Jello when I was finished.  I can only imagine how sore I am going to be in the morning because I was holding on with every muscle in my body.

I think they were having way too much fun!

The trip to Magic Mountain...Bryce's favorite activity on the beach.

Trevor treated everyone to an Italian Ice at Sunset Slush...they are a ramped up version of what Aunt Kate bought years ago from the little bike girl at Myrtle Beach...only better because they have a ton of different flavors.


Another one of those pictures that you see on Pinterest.

Red sky at night sailor's delight...
I better get to bed soon because I get to go on the sunrise walk tomorrow. Ellis reminded me that it was my morning to go.


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