Reds Opening Day 2014

At first we weren't going because no one could get off.  Then no yahoos coming on Monday.  Mark had the day off.  Now for one funny story of the day.  I asked Michael if he wanted to go to Opening Day with me (we didn't know Mark had the day off yet).  He of course being 12, hemmed and hawed around for awhile and then said that he didn't think he wanted to miss school.  A few hours later when we found out that Mark had the day off.  So of course Michael decides to go.  I know that he is getting to that age where I embarrass him...just like all my other kids...oh man I dislike that strongly.

We decide on a plan.  I would call school and let them know Michael would not be coming.  Now I could have lied and said he was sick but I told whoever answered the phone (you have to give them child's name, your name, relationship to the child, grade, teacher, and reason for absence) that he wouldn't be there on Monday.  Then she asks me what is going on with Michael (they keep tabs on illnesses and such)...I say, "I'm not going to lie to you...we are going to the Opening Day Parade."  I was expecting a lecture but got "have fun!"
Next plan...lunches.  The first year we didn't take anything.  The second year we packed a few snacks.  This year we were going to pack lunches and then decided to pack snacks and pick up lunches on the way at Subway so Mark would not have to fight the crowds to get lunch.
I got out my new bag made for a bag of birdseed and filled it with snacks, waters, and blankets, and a deck of cards.  And off we went.  We parked in out favorite parking lot for $5 and headed for Race Street, our regular spot.  We got there and someone had beat us to the spot when have been using for the last few years but no problem we just moved down toward the sun.  Which, by the way, was a very good choice.   It didn't take long for us to figure out that we had forgotten to stop and pick up lunch at Subway.  Bummer!  Now Mark and Michael had to make their way through the crowds of people and stand in line forever to get lunch.  While they were gone I made new friends.  My neighbors on the left we a grandma, her grand kids and great grand kids.  They were so much fun.  To my left is my new best and loudest friend, Ann.  She cracked me up all day long asking for freebies.  All we ended up with was a green bag and necklace from H&R Block.  And she knew everyone in the parade...the mayor, the police chief...she was a riot.  She lives in Bond Hill.  Wish she lived closer!  She and Mark got along famously.  He told his jokes and she told hers.  And we will all meet again in Glory! She's going to be sure to look us up.  Michael all this time is hunkered down beside Mark's chair away from all the foolishness.  On the way back to the van I asked him if he liked the parade and his comment was..."Well, mom, it beats a day in school."  Already rethinking the plan for next year.

 Knights of Columbus
Love this guy.  The first year we saw him he was just a clean shaven baseball head.


Jan said…
What a great day. Too bad about forgetting to stop a Subway! I also hate the stage Michael is in, Oden is in the next stage, so attached to his "device", he can't engage.

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