Fun Friday With Long Lost Lucy

Lucy really isn't lost.  She is just spending quality time with her mom and new baby sister.  Someday soon she will be back in the fold.  We enjoy a day here and there with her...especially her beloved Carter!

 There she is!
We put her right to work on the driveway gang.

We were visited by a Super Hero today!

I don't get a chance to get many of these shots.

The forecasters said it would start raining around 9AM.  We were out hoping to play for a long time.  But just in case the lights went out, Noodles was ready with Carter's camp light.

I think he cut off all my extremities several times.

Chief flower picker.

Playing is such exhausting work.

Rock picking in Mr. John's gravel.

Mighty fine buckets of all things nature.

This one cracks me up!  She is trying to look at the rocks in her net.  Walked around forever like this.

Gang member in waiting.


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