Pappy's Birthday

We celebrated yet another birthday.  This time a BIG birthday for Pappy.  He turned 62 on the 5th of March but we had to wait for the weekend to celebrate with the fam...all the fam..Bryce and Tini along with their three dogs picked up Sarah...Porche and Isaiah came.  Cassie and the kids were already here and Trevor and Maddie came later that night.  So lets see counting Mark, Emmy, Michael and me that is a grand total of 5 dogs and 11 people.  Glad we have a huge table!

 We had all his favorites...pork tenderloin with  quinoa salad, Brussels sprouts hash, and baked root vegetables.

 Singing of Happy birthday is most always a production around here.

 The louder the better!  And Alaire takes really good care of that department.

 Somebody got those candles what relight a million times.  We had Angel food cake with assorted fruits for all those watching what they eat and cupcakes with whipped icing for all of us others that love our sweets!

My little man wasn't sure what he wanted to do with all that mess.
I had planned to take a big family shot but Trevor wasn't able to make it until way after dinner.  And I needed about 6 more hands to get it all done.  So these are the only pics I was able to get.  Oh well, there is always next year.
Happy Birthday Pappy


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