Newest Family Member...Buns

My niece pulled on her big girl panties and moved into an apartment...meaning her rabbit needed a new home. We just happened to have an empty bunny cage and a lonely Binker.  So Buns made the trip home with us this past Sunday.
Buns is a big English Lop.

Molly got him/her about 5 years ago. 

"It" is a sweet bunny and later today I will find out if it is a he or a she.  If it is a she we might raise some bunnies.

"It" is very calm and sweet.  "It comes right to the door of the cage to me when I am there.  Sunning today and eating leaves while I was cleaning out a flower bed was a good thing.
After watching several YouTube videos about sexing your rabbits I think Binker is a buck and Buns is a doe.  And I have learned that rabbit are always fertile and they can have a  litter every 30 days.  I guess the next thing I need to figure out is what breed Binker is.  Wish me luck


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