Cater Turns 'Sore"
Always a good party in Wammyville! And he was so thrilled his girlfriend was going to be there. Not to mention Ellis and Alaire. But mostly his girlfriend.
He brought hats and blowers!
I can tell he is growing up. This is his 'oh no here she comes with the camera again' look. I think he has learned it from Michael.
Batman candles...and special blue and orange cupcakes.
There's that look again.
Birthday cupcakes and black olives...yummy combination.
She ended up with it on her nose. She almost wore a stained bluenose to school. But with some extra fine scrubbing we were in the clear.
She just wore it all over!
He loves a good party!
He was really excited about Lucy's gift of Legos. He and Ellis and Alaire worked on them way into naptime. But when he got up everything was complete and waiting on the kitchen table.
Happy Birthday Carter