Lucy Turned Two Today

Oh Happy day!
After a little birthday crown making it was time to open gifts.

Everybody got in on the action.

Lucy and her yet unnamed baby.  'It' probably won't have a name until Lucy's real baby gets here at the end of the month.

Somebody needed a little down time.

Some 'very good' cupcakes according to Lucy.

She was blowing for all she was worth!  Just look at the power in her little hands.

I think it is just the first little bit of icing that is intimidating.

No problems here what so ever!

Doodles was such a big helper during the party when I needs two more sets of hands.

Enjoying the moment.


This is why Ella is so big...she gets all the crumbs.  Her station anytime anyone sits down at the table.


ZNoeth said…
Thanks Jan for everything you do.

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