Dinner Is Served

These Starlings drive me nuts.  They overrun everyone else.  But their feathers are really interesting.  And they need food also.  I just wish they could be more polite about it and take turns eating in other yards.

 A new visitor...a Yellow-rumped warbler.
Never fails, every time I am on the bike a new bird comes to feed and I have to stop and run to get the camera.

They are sometimes called Butter-butts.  I actually read that in my bird book.

Those skittish Blue Jays....some day I will get then in flight.
Alright Gloria, is this an Eastern Towhee?
A scary Grackle.

I'm guessing again...a Mockingbird?

A very puffy Carolina Wren.
White-breasted Nuthatch

Before the big snow, The Birdman, filled all the feeders.  He dropped a load right outside the patio door.  It is my go to spot to find birds to photograph.  And then it did what it did...Snowmageddon...and covered it all up.  But this little beauty sniffed it out and dug down to the seeds.  All day long he just sat in the hole and ate sunflower seeds.



Jan said…
Such great photos, I'd be stumped to choose a favorite!

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